Marès Museum

Enquadernació carolíngia de plata repussada

Placed inside the main site building of the library, it gathers a valuable bibliographic collection which was donated by the artist and collector Frederic Marès (1893-1991).

The collection is a journey through the history of the book. It is formed by more than 1.500 documents (some over one thousand years old) of several typologies: 114 pieces among codices, manuscripts, fragments of parchment and paper (from 12th to 20th centuries), 136 documental parchments until 11th century, 483 engravings, 848 printed documents (including a hundred of incunabula) and 106 individual bindings. The Frederic Marès Book Museum occupies the old Via Crucis Hall, presided by a Gothic wood carving with the image of Ramon Llull.


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The Bibliographic Unit manages it.

Museu Frederic Marès (MFM)