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Adopt a book

If you adopt a document it may be returned in good condition and its life prolonged. Some documents need to be restored, bounded, cleaned ... these are small actions, some other are more costly. This is the list of documents with the cost of the repair needed. Adopt one; the library is a matter of all of us!

You can practice a deduction of 25% on the amount of the quota in the personal income tax (law 49/2002 of 23 December, of fiscal regime for non-profit organizations and tax incentives for patronage).

List of titles in adop

Cost: 535 €

Globo Terrestre. Según las más modernas Observaciones y Descubrimientos

Construido por M. E. Monfort

En Barcelona el año 1825

Cost: 40 €

Nuit venitienne ; Fantasio ; Les caprices de Marianne

Author: Alfred de Musset

Paris : L'Édition d'art H. Piazza, 1913

Cost: 100 €


Author: Frederic Mompou

Partitura manuscrita