
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Barcelona, 1949-1975


(Updated 16/05/2024)

Initially created by Josep M. Esteve as a bookshop and distributor, Editorial Vergara started operating as a publishing house in around 1949-1950. Since the beginning it has published great works to sell in instalments with the goal of issuing large-format works, literature and history. The prominence earned in its early years prompted the creation of a branch in Madrid along with several subsidiaries in Latin America.

In the late 1950s, with Nicolau Surís at the helm and editor and poet Josep Maria Boix i Selva as the literary editor, it participated in creating the graphic workshops Printer and Círculo de Lectores. It also co-issued two profusely illustrated art books with the Paris-based Nathan publishing house. Some of its earliest collections, including Velero y Abedul, Verdad y Vida and Mapamundi, lasted only briefly, but the titles published within them were added to other collections created subsequently.

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