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Bibliographic Unit

Bibliographic Unit

Tasks and functions 

It manages old and modern printed monographs, manuscripts, archive and printed and manuscript music that enters the BC by donation, exchange, purchase or legal deposit. It catalogues them and contributes to their acquisition, conservation, preservation and digitization.


It was born of the law of 1993 to group the management of printed and manuscript monographs. It comprises the old sections of Music, Manuscripts, Rare Books and Special Collections (all of them created in 1917), General Collections (1995) and Collective Catalogue of Catalonia's Bibliographical Heritage (created in 1983 and part of the BC until 1995), and Archive.


It gathers a variety of documents and media, from parchments donation of Miret i Sans to collections such as the Junta de Comerç o the Hospital de la Santa Creu going through religious, commercial, or heritage collections; from the Homilies d’Organyà to personal papers from creators and intellectuals of all times; from neumas of 9th century to current graphic notation; from troubadour music to the Azulejos by Albéniz/Granados; from the incunabula to recent editions, including monographic collections so remarkable such as the Verdagueriana, the Cervantina or the Fullets Bonsoms, and private libraries.

Núria Altarriba


+34 93 270 23 00 (ext. 84013178)

Núria Altarriba