Soldevila, Carles, 1892-1967

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Carles Soldevila i Zubiburu (Barcelona, 1892-1967), brother of historian, Ferran Soldevila, was a playwrite, journalist and novelist. Rooted in the Noucentisme movement, he helped to form a modern Catalan identity. He graduated in Law, but as a lover of reading and books, he made numerous contributions to the newspapers El Poble Català and La Publicidad. He also contributed to the magazine, Revista de Catalunya, among others. As a playwright, he wrote contemporary bourgeois comedies. In 1967, the year of his death, his Obres completes (Complete Works) was published.


Who is who (Institució de les Lletres Catalanes)

Carles Soldevila Collection in the National Archive of Catalonia