Prix International de Littérature (1961-1967)

(Actualització 16/05/2024)

International literary prize created by Carlos Barral with the Premio Formentor, awarded under the Encuentros de Formentor which since 1961 brought together international writers and publishers in order to establish Spanish publications throughout the world. The award, sponsored by Seix Barral in conjunction with foreign publishing houses (Einaudi, Gallimard, Rowohlt, etc.), recognised authors of international renown. The winners were:

1961. Jorge Luis Borges, Ficciones and Samuel Beckett, Trilogy

1962. Uwe Johnson, Mutmassungen über Jakob

1963. Carlo Emilio Gadda, La cognizione del dolore

1964. Nathalie Sarraute, Les fruits d’or

1965. Saul Below, Herzog

1966. Not awarded

1967. Witold Gombrowicz, Kosmos