
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Giralt-Miracle, Ricard, 1911-1994

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Ricard Giralt-Miracle (Barcelona, 1911-1994). Graphic designer, illustrator and typographer. Son of Francesc Giralt, renowned lithographer, he trained with his father and at Llotja. He studied under Josep Lluís Sert, who introduced him to rationalism and the Bauhaus movement. He worked as artistic director at Seix Barral publishers (then known as Industrias Gráficas Seix y Barral Hnos.). For the publishers Aymà, he designed the covers of the collection dedicated to the works of Georges Simenon.

In 1947, he founded Filograf, Institut d'Art Gràfic and in 1953 he founded the publishers PEN, which specialised in books about art. Among his works, at the meeting point between tradition and modernity, are posters, book covers and designs, trademarks and scripts.

Throughout his life he received numerous awards and distinctions such as the Ciutat de Barcelona award for visual arts, the FAD Medalla d'Or, the Premio Nacional de Diseño and, in 1986, the Creu de Sant Jordi (Saint George's Cross).
