
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

García Márquez, Gabriel, 1927-2014

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Gabriel García Márquez (Aracata,1927 - Mexico City, 2014). A Colombian writer, world-famous for his novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967), considered one of the classics of Hispanic literature. García Márquez was recognised throughout the world for his literary genius. He studied Law at the National University of Colombia and began his professional life as a journalist and later as a writer. He was awarded an honorary doctorate (Doctor honoris causa) from Columbia University (New York) and in 1982 he received the Nobel Prize for Literature. In November 2014, the University of Texas acquired the Colombian writer's collection, which will be accessible once it has been processed and catalogued.


The Gabriel García Márquez archive is held at the Herry Ransom Center, University of Texas