
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Barcelona, 2001

Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

(Updated 16/05/2024)

This is a leading publishing and distribution company in the Spanish language, part of the international Penguin Random House Group, founded on the 1st of July 2013 through an agreement between Bertelsmann and Pearson. It owns more than 20 publishing imprints (including Sudamericana, Lumen, Plaza & Janés, Grijalbo, Debate, Literatura Random House and others) and is present in Spain and numerous Latin American countries. Its different imprints include the former Catalan-language publishing house Rosa dels Vents. The group exports to more than 45 countries.

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Conserved in the group’s headquarters.

In 2014, the Plaza & Janés and Grijalbo collections joined the Biblioteca de Catalunya through a donation from Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial.

Press release (19th June, 2014)

Collections of the Biblioteca de Catalunya

Website of the publishing group