
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Premi Joanot Martorell (1947-1959)

(Actualització 16/05/2024)

Award instituted in 1947 by the publishers Aymà, a legacy of the Premi Crexells, the first great Catalan novel prize. Due to economic reasons and censorship, the award was suspended two years later. The award was resumed in 1951, the publication and funding being undertaken alternately each year by the publishers, Aymà and Selecta. Finally, Aymà stepped aside and the award was held exclusively by Selecta. From 1960, it was called the Premi Sant Jordi de Novel·la (Saint George Prize for Novels), awarded in conjunction with Òmnium Cultural and the Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana. The list of winners included:

1947. Cèlia Suñol, Primera part
1948. Maria Aurèlia Capmany, El cel no és transparent 
1949. Not held
1950. Not held
1951. Josep Pla, El carrer estret
1952. Xavier Benguerel i Llobet, La Família Rouquier
1953. Josep Maria Espinàs i Massip, Com ganivets o flames
1954. Manuel de Pedrolo, Estrictament personal
1955. Joan Sales, Incerta Glòria
1956. Ramon Folch i Camarasa, La Maroma
1957. Blai Bonet, El Mar
1958. Miquel Llor, Un Camí de Damasc
1959. Ricard Salvat, Animals destructors de lleis