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Search results for: "Music"
Gallofré Roig, Joaquim
(Torredembarra, 1877-1922)
Composer and performer (trombone and and fiscorn)
Gallardo i Garriga, Antoni
(Barcelona, 1889-1942)
Composer, industrial engineer, archaeologist and photographer. Roser Matheu Sadó's husband
García Gago, Josep
(Bembibre del Bierzo (León), 1921 - Barcelona, 1999)
Composer and professor
Llimona, Oriol
(Barcelona?, [1900]-1988)
Industrial engineer and composer
Guillén, Joan Josep
(Fuente del Maestre, Extremadura, 1947-)
Dibuixant, escenògraf i pintor
Voltas Viñas, Josep
(Sant Martí de Provençals, 1877 - Barcelona, 1947)
Composer and choir director
Bernet Sala, Joan
(Barcelona, 1902-1990)
Composer and violinist
Ferran i de Rocabruna, Pere Enric de
(Barcelona, 1875 - Brussel·les, 1919)
Civilotti, Alejandro
(La Plata (Argentina), 1959)
Cohí Grau, Agustí
(El Vendrell, 1921-2012)
Composer and musical pedagogue
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