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Filming and photo shoots conditions

You must request permission from the Directorate of the Biblioteca de Catalunya (BC) through the form Request for graphic or photographic reports, filming and shooting

Once the recording authorized by Directorat, the communication area of the library will respond to the applicant indicating the amount that shall be paid in accordance with rates established by law [Order CLT / 109/2017 25 May]

For organizations without commercial purpose, if the BC considers social  use or library visibility is especially relevant, it could be applied a  reduction or exemption on fee.

Payment of fees

The use of the facilities of the Biblioteca de Catalunya for conducting photo shoots and filming involved the payment of a fee of 154,20 euros/hour. For sound recordings exclusively, the fee is 72.15 eur/hour. The payment of fees must be made at least one day prior to the use of the facilities.


The stipulated time for the completion of reports in the reading rooms is from 8:00 to 9:00h in the morning, Monday to Friday. In other areas of BC, the hours are from 8am to 14pm. Schedules are subject to special authorization by the Directorate of BC and should consult the Communication area (

Access to facilities and photo shoots or filming

  • The BC authorizes reproductions but is not responsible for any use that may be made of them against copyright protected by law.
  • The BC gives permission to reproduction only for the purpose stated in the application.
  • There will be personnel of the own BC to attend the sessions of filming or photo shoots.

Individuals, companies or organizations requesting permission to carry a report on the BC undertake:

  • Select and book in advance bibliographic material wishing to film or photograph.
  • Taking care of the facilities, furniture and books of BC and leave everything in the same state it was found.
  • Taking care of the expenses arising from any defect or damage to installations, furniture and documents stored at the BC.
  • Abide the emergency plan of the building, according to the instructions given by staff at the BC.
  • Do not leave waste and garbage in the facilities.
  • Include the name of the institution in the work's credits as follows: Biblioteca de Catalunya.
  • Respect legislation on copyright, taking responsibility of payments of the corresponding rights or the application of permissions.
  • Deliver a copy to the BC of the material produced where areas of the BC appear or the internet access to the reports or videos, if they are public.